California Medical Leave Violation Lawyers
Has your California employer violated your rights when they fired or terminated your while under protected medical leave? If so, you may be entitled to compensation for the wrongful termination that violated either California State law or Federal law.
FMLA Attorney-San Bernardino & Riverside Employment Lawyer
The Family Medical Leave Act or FMLA requires a covered employer to allow a covered employee specific time off from their place of employment. Whether FMLA applies to you and whether your employer has violated the FMLA laws is a factual question. Call our San Bernardino & Riverside employment lawyer today for a FREE FMLA and medical leave violation consultation. California has a specific set of laws that are called California Family Rights Act or CFRA, which covers specific employers and specific employees. Therefore, it is imperative that you seek out and obtain a consultation from a knowledgeable California employment lawyer.
Riverside Employment Attorney
Often time employers terminate employees while on this protected leave status whether it is FMLA or CFRA. Employers often find extended leave away from their employment as burdensome and try to terminate or remove the employee from their ranks but many times the employers actions run afoul of either California or Federal law.
Riverside Employment Lawyer & Attorney- Wrongful Termination Lawyer
Whether you feel that you were wrongfully terminated, harassed, or discriminated against for taking protected leave it is important to talk to a California and San Bernardino and Riverside employment and wrongful termination lawyer today to protect your legal rights.