Hostile Work Environment Lawyer
We receive many phone calls from prospective clients living and working in San Bernardino and Riverside County California seeking representation for what they describe as a Hostile Work Environment. However, most employees don't understand that a Hostile Work Environment is not exactly what most people think it is. Many people believe that if they are mistreated, talked to poorly, or otherwise receive substandard treatment from their California employer, supervisor, or owner of the company that they are entitled to bring a claim for Hostile Work Environment.
A Hostile Work Environment is created when there is some type of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation based on individuals protected class, perceived protected class or association with a person of a protected class and that a reasonable employee would have viewed the employment situation as hostile. Very often we can bring a claim for hostile work environment in California sexual harassment cases and discrimination based on a disability or gender. If you have a sexual harassment case you should call our sexual harassment attorney today to discuss your possible legal claims.
Some of the the Protected Classes or category for the Creation of a Hostile work Environment are;
Wrongful Termination Lawyer & Attorney
If you feel that you have been subjected to a Hostile Work Environment please call our Riverside & San Bernardino Wrongful Termination lawyer today for a FREE consultation. Our Inland Empire Labor and Employment lawyer handles all types of employment claims including the following: