Corona California Wrongful Termination Lawyer
Have you suffered from a adverse employment decision by your Corona California employer or do you suspect that you were wrongfully terminated? We are a San Bernardino & Riverside wrongful termination and employment law firm that is dedicated to helping individuals that have been wrongfully terminated or have suffered some other type of employment discrimination or harassment. We always offer a FREE initial phone consultation so call today to protect your California employment rights. Corona California is located in Riverside County California and currently has a population of over 100,000 people. Corona California contains many employers and we receive many phone call from prospective clients that live and work in Corona California. If you believe that you have been the victim of wrongful termination, sexual harassment, disability discrimination, or any other type of harassment or discrimination please call our Inland Empire and Riverside County California wrongful termination and sexual harassment attorney. We accept most Corona California wrongful termination and sexual harassment cases on a contingency basis so call today to protect your California employment rights.
Corona California Wrongful Termination Lawyer
Here is a partial list of some of the types of Corona California Wrongful Termination & Employment Cases that we accept:
- Wrongful Termination
- Workplace Retaliation
- Sexual Harassment
- Pregnancy Discrimination
- Employment Violations
- Class Action Lawsuits
- Medical Leave
- Age Discrimination
- Overtime Violations
- Disability Discrimination
- Race Discrimination
- Whistleblower Claims
- Severance Agreements
- Workers Compensation
Corona California Wrongful Termination Lawyer
The Law Offices of Ryan P. McClure is a plaintiff only Corona California employment & wrongful termination law firm. We always offer a FREE initial phone consultation to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your wrongful termination & employment case. There are strict timeliness associated with every wrongful termination & employment case so call today to protect your California employment rights!