Overtime Violations Lawyer
Are you currently working for an employer that is not paying you overtime according to California Overtime laws? Have you worked for a Riverside California or San Bernardino County California employer in the past in which you didn't receive overtime compensation according to California Overtime law? You may have a legal claim against your current or past employer for all unpaid overtime wages.
Unfortunately many Inland Empire California employers fail to comply with California overtime laws. Used as method to drive down their operating costs some employers will intentionally fail to pay overtime compensation or will adjust time cards manually to avoid paying overtime wages. Why do employers do this? It helps the bottom line. You are legally entitled to compensation for your overtime.
Riverside & San Bernardino Overtime Attorney
A California employer is required to pay overtime if you work more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in a week, unless you meet one of the statutory exemptions under California Labor law. Sometime an employer may mis-classify an employee as salaried when in fact they are actually a hourly employee and entitled to overtime compensation. Why would an employer mis-classify an employee? To avoid paying overtime compensation and again to reduce the bottom line.
Riverside Employment Lawyers
If you feel that you are owed overtime compensation from a current or past employer call our San Bernardino and Riverside overtime lawyer today for a FREE consultation. Our San Bernardino and Riverside overtime lawyer has experience prosecuting and settling overtime claims against large and small employers throughout California. Your employer is required to comply with California overtime laws and you may feel reluctant to address this issue with your employer directly. If you suspect that your employer is violating California overtime laws, please call our San Bernardino and Riverside California overtime lawyer today. The consultation is FREE and confidential.