Sexual Harassment Lawyer in Loma Linda CA
We are a Inland Empire sexual harassment and employee rights law firm. We represent woman and men that have been victims in the workplace. Our typical client is an individual that has suffered sexual harassment and a hostile work environment in the workplace but many times is scared to come forward. Unfortunately, sexual harassment in the workplace is very common. Woman and men are targeted on a daily basis and are the recipients of unwanted sexual advances, comments, and in some cases physical touching. As a California employee you are protected from work place abuses such as sexual harassment and the creation of a hostile work environment. If you are the recipient of sexual harassment in the workplace or you aren't sure if what you are experiencing is sexual harassment please call our Riverside & San Bernardino California sexual harassment law office. We always provide a FREE phone consultation and during this consultation we can discuss your employment rights as it relates to sexual harassment.
Are you the victim of unwelcome advances and or sexual harassment in the workplace? Has your Loma Linda California employer failed to provide a sexual harassment free workplace? If so, your California employer may be violating California employment law as it relates to sexual harassment. The law offices of Ryan P. McClure is a law firm dedicated to helping individuals bring legal claim against their employers for sexual harassment and other employment claims. We accept sexual harassment cases throughout California and Riverside & San Bernardino counties. Our main office is located in Ontario California and we regularly accept sexual harassment and sexual assault cases in San Bernardino, Riverside, San Diego, and Los Angeles Counties. We always offer a FREE consultation so feel free to call us to discuss your California sexual harassment claims.
Retaliation for Reporting Sexual Harassment to your Employer
Many current employees are scared to report the sexual harassment and the hostile work environment to their employer for fear that they will be fired, discharged, or retaliated against for reporting such conduct. California law protects individuals that present sexual harassment claims to their employers. You cannot be retaliated against, terminated, or harassed on the basis of your sexual harassment complaints. However, most employees are still not comfortable with making a complaint. If you are uncertain as to whether you have a legitimate sexual harassment claim against your boss. owner, manager, or employer call us today to discuss your potential case.